Handpresso Pump Black manual espresso maker - Handpresso
From the very outset, Handpresso has been geared towards offering the luxury of drinking the best espresso in the great outdoors, wherever you go.
As a true pioneer, Handpresso developed a technology of its own and launched the first ever portable espresso machine in 2008. Based on this breakthrough innovation, Handpresso has created a wide range of dedicated machines and accessories and continues to revolutionize the coffee world.
As a direct resulting of our advanced technological research, Handpresso coffee machines are very sturdy machines. With sustainability being one of the prevailing Handpresso values, the materials we choose are noble and robust.
Committed to quality, Handpresso combines the quality of the machine with that of all kinds of coffee (short coffee, long coffee, espresso). Last but not least, watching the coffee flow into the cup is a fantastic sight! Handpresso machines create pleasure, a moment of sharing and exchange making the coffee break even more enjoyable.
On-the-go coffee machines with endless uses
Exploring all markets, Handpresso is constantly providing ingenious solutions to meet all your needs. After the outdoors and the boat, Handpresso becomes a recognized brand in the car, truck and world of campers.
Coffee in the car with prestigious partners
Thanks to the quality of its products, Handpresso collaborates with major car manufacturers, including VW, Audi, Skoda, Seat, Nissan, Renault, Tesla ... And there is more to come!
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